Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage usually begins with lighter pressure to warm the muscles before massaging into deeper muscle fibers. For some, this may result in discomfort during the session and residual discomfort for a day or two after the treatment. The massage may release toxins into the body from the massaged tissue. Drink plenty of water for 24 hours after the massage to flush the toxins out of your body. Communicate with your therapist on the amount of pressure applied, especially in areas that are sensitive. Your therapist will immediately adjust the pressure. If you are suffering from chronic muscle pain, this type of massage may be what you need. A diagnosis from your doctor is recommended for any medical problem.

Benefits of Deep Tissue


This type of massage is recommended for loosening and releasing deep layers of chronic muscle tension. Specific areas of tight muscles are massaged deep into the muscle fibers to release tension. Your therapist will skillfully find and release muscular fibers, knots and adhesions. The desired effect will be increased circulation, reduced muscle tension and reduced muscle pain. Massage often helps to relieve chronic back, shoulder, hip, and neck pain.

Women receiving a deep tissue massage.

Why is deep tissue massage important?

Why is deep tissue massage important?

Like any type of massage therapy, deep tissue massage offers several relaxation and health benefits. Some of the key benefits unique to deep tissue massage include: