Help Manage Diabetes With Massage Therapy

No matter your age, race, or gender, you most certainly know someone with, or affected by, type one or type two diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association, there are over 29.1 million Americans with diabetes. With a stress-free, healthy lifestyle and diet, many diabetics can live a long life, free of complications. Others, however, are […]

Latest Research Shows Hope For PMS

  As women we all know the truth about our monthly cycle. It is often accompanied by it’s little sister, premenstrual syndrome. The rise in our hormones throws our body, mind, and spirit out of rhythm.  Symptoms range from bloating, cramps, migraines, joint and muscle pain, to fatigue, acne flair ups, constipation, tension, anxiety, depression and […]

Massage Therapy Helps Light Up Your Holiday Season

  While the Holidays may be a time of joy and excitement for most people, there are millions of Americans who suffer with depression around the holidays. Sometimes expectations for the big holiday season are not met, tensions within relationships are highlighted, and demands for keeping up with the Joneses can be too much. Take […]