Help Manage Diabetes With Massage Therapy

No matter your age, race, or gender, you most certainly know someone with, or affected by, type one or type two diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association, there are over 29.1 million Americans with diabetes. With a stress-free, healthy lifestyle and diet, many diabetics can live a long life, free of complications. Others, however, are […]

New Year, New You! Make Massage Part of Your Resolution This Year!

With the closing of one year and the start of a new one, it is natural to find yourself looking for ways to improve your life. We call these New Year’s Resolutions and use them as motivation to start a fresh year on the right foot. Resolutions range from weight loss, giving up sweets, and […]

Massage Therapy On the Rise

While the art of massage therapy has been around for centuries, statistics show that it is rapidly increasing in popularity. Not only are people getting massage therapy more regularly, but more people are choosing massage therapy as a career. While it may be hard to pin point exactly what is causing the increase in people […]

Latest Research Shows Hope For PMS

  As women we all know the truth about our monthly cycle. It is often accompanied by it’s little sister, premenstrual syndrome. The rise in our hormones throws our body, mind, and spirit out of rhythm.  Symptoms range from bloating, cramps, migraines, joint and muscle pain, to fatigue, acne flair ups, constipation, tension, anxiety, depression and […]

Grief Relief with Massage Therapy

There comes a time in each of our lives when we will face great amounts of grief. Grief shows its face in many forms. The loss of a loved one, the loss of a pet, the loss of a job, financial hardships, divorce, and the list goes on. In times of grief, we may turn […]

Stay Warm This Winter with a Hot Stone Massage

As the winter drags on, we could all use a new way to ward off the cold. This season, try combining the benefits of traditional massage therapy with the heat of a hot stone massage for a healing experience that’s both warming and relaxing.   What Is Hot Stone Massage? As you may guess from […]